1 Title: Tony and Ziva Spinoff Ordered at Paramount
In April 2024, Tony and Ziva return in a new NCIS spinoff, exploring time and space with Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo.
2 Title: A New Adventure Begins
Join Tony and Ziva as they embark on a thrilling journey through time and space in the upcoming NCIS spinoff on Paramount.
3 Title: Time Traveling Detectives
Witness Tony and Ziva's detective skills put to the test as they navigate through different dimensions in the NCIS spinoff.
4 Title: Solving Mysteries Across the Universe
Follow Tony and Ziva as they solve out-of-this-world mysteries in the upcoming NCIS spinoff series on Paramount.
5 Title: The Essence of Time
In the Tony and Ziva spinoff, time is a construct they must unravel to crack the biggest case of their careers.
6 Title: Space Adventures Await
Get ready for action-packed space adventures as Tony and Ziva take on new challenges in the NCIS spinoff.
7 Title: Dynamic Duo Returns
Fans rejoice as Tony and Ziva reunite to tackle the concept of time and space in the upcoming NCIS spinoff on Paramount.
8 Title: An Epic Saga Unfolds
Prepare for an epic journey as Tony and Ziva explore the depths of time and space in the new NCIS spinoff series.
9 Title: Timeless Bond
Witness the timeless bond between Tony and Ziva as they navigate through the unknown in the upcoming NCIS spinoff on Paramount.
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